Tick Tock
One of the most challenging aspects of not having a typical 9-5 job is the question of how to spend your time. Well, I'm here to tell you that while it can be daunting, and frankly easy to sit around doing nothing all day, that will get you exactly no where.
Reading, research, planning, phone calls, interviews, panels, training programs, follow up calls and emails. Those are just some of the things that take up a large chunk of each day. Not to mention following up on my website, and of course keeping track of my budget.
But other things are just as important. Like waking up at a fairly consistent time (which admittedly, has been a challenge for me), and making sure to workout every day. Even when I'm traveling. These consistencies will only help when I'm working a more "normal" schedule again.
There's a sense that not having a typical schedule is freeing. And that may be true for some, but personally, I'm looking forward to the typical.