It's been a few weeks since I've written a post, please forgive me. But I've been fairly busy. Most recently, I was attending the Nexus Global Youth Summit at the UN Headquarters in NYC.
According to the website "Nexus is a global movement of 2000+ young investors, social entrepreneurs and allies who work to increase and improve philanthropy and social impact investing." Nexus hosts various summits around the world, and a global summit annually, with the purpose to put wealth owners, and young social entrepreneurs in the same space, so that they can actually collaborate and effect change.
What struck me the most about this conference was the passion, direction, and ability of so many young people in the same space. Though not everyone attending was of the Millennial generation, all of the entrepreneurs were Gen Y or even Gen Z. That is a lot of change coming to change the world. But more than that, it is a lot of signs that the typical thoughts that Gen Y is lazy and uninspired could not be further from the truth. They (or we, more accurately) are extremely ambitious, exceptionally resilient, and often very expressive.
But the thing that separates us most from other generations is our tech savvy, and connectivity to the world at large. It makes us global thinkers. It makes us want to tackle problems that have been left in the far reaches of the world, because we can. It makes us want to find and fix the big picture. It makes us global citizens. It makes us Nexus. #wearenexus
So, to our Baby Boomer, Silent, and Great Generation parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents- help us find our voice. And we will change the legacy of the world.